GETRUS Biological Safety Cabinet Class II is an open-front, ventilatedcabinet. This cabinet provides a HEPA/ULPA-filtered, recirculated mass airflowwithin the work space. The exhaust air from the cabinet is also filtered byHEPA/ULPA filters. Thus, the Class II biosafety cabinet will provide personnel,environment and product protection. While HEPA/ULPA filters are effective fortrapping particulates and infectious agents, these filters will not capturevolatile chemicals or gases The use of a Biological Safety Cabinet Class 2 inthe microbiological laboratory offers the additional capability and advantageof protecting materials contained within it from extraneous airbornecontaminants. This capability is provided by the HEPA-filtered, recirculatedmass airflow within the workspace. It is suitable for the containment ofbiohazardous materials and unlike the Class I biosafety cabinet, it is alsosuitable as a sterile environment for cell cultures.
Airflow and lighting interlock
Motorized front window
Manually adjusted air speed
slanted front door to have better access in working area
Universal caster with brakes andlevelling feet
High efficiency and lower power consuming ECM motor with adjustable speed
Drain valve for easier cleaning
Two HEPA filter and filter life indicated on display screen
Alphanumeric LCD screen displays
Spare extraction fan for long exhaustducting
High reliability
Low maintenance
Floor Standing and table top modelsavailable.
Microprocessor based control(HMI+PLCoptional)
Precise Control of Environmental
Aesthetically designed
Corrosion Resistant interior and exteriors
Sturdy Construction
Many other optional accessories can be provided