The GETRUSrange of Heavy Duty Ovens suit most industrial applications for the controlledwarming and drying of products. Eleven standard size ovens are available, orbespoke units can be manufactured for a variety os applications that take intoconsideration all factors such as load, temperature and location. Built arounda heavy duty panelled framework, we can offer increased load capability in thisrange.
11 sizes1,000 to 20,000 litre capacity
Temperaturerange 50 to 150C
Flat sheetsteel floor with chamfered edges foreasy loading/access
Dual doorwith heavy duty 2 point lockingmechanism
Internalsafety release lock
Manualoverheat reset
High velocityfan assisted circulation
Excellentstabilty<+/- 0.8C
Low chamberuniformity
250Ccontinuous operation (insulated floor only) Stainless steel chamber
Processrecorders with ethernet and USB output Count down timers
Explosionrelief panels
Access ports(25m 50, 75 or 100mm)
Traceablecalibrations to national standards Extractor unit/bifurcated fans
Bespokesolutions available upon request