Air shower is ideal supporting equipment for biologicalclean rooms and clean workshops. They are widely used for blowing off humans'and their belongings' surface dusts in micro-electronics, hospitals,pharmaceuticals, biochemical, food safety, fine chemical engineering, finemechanics, productive facilities and scientific and research institutes, suchas aviation and aerospace.
Meanwhile, air showers also work as an air brake to preventunpurified air from entering clean space.
In one word, it is an effective equipment for cleansinghumans and anti-air pollution in clean space.Air shower is a necessary passagefor person entering clean room in order to minimized the amount of particulatecontaminant, achieve workplace strict clean purification standards. Personnelmove through the air shower while particulate contaminants are blew off by theclean high speed air. So the dust cannot be brought into clean area.
Photoelectric sensor, automatic blowing.
Designed with circulation wind to measure the cleanlinessof
shower area under non-shower status.
Double doors with electric interlock.
LED display with adjustable blowing time (099s).
HEPA Filter, Class 100 cleanness.
The Personnel Air Shower from Getrus are fullyself-contained units, designed to provide complete decontamination solutionsfor various clean room applications. They are ideally installed at the entranceof a clean room or controlled environment chamber to minimize the entry of dustand particulate matters inside the clean room via the clothes and skin surfacesof the personnel. Our Clean Room Air Shower feature programmable operatingmodes for flexible application and microprocessor based controller for precisesupervision of the operating parameters. They use highly efficient pre-filtersand HEPA filters for maintaining highly sterile working environments and anintegrated fan/blower assembly to provide high velocity air streams for maximumscrubbing action against dust and particulate matters adherent on the exposedskin, clothes and material surfaces.