GETRUS Bio Safety Cabinets/Biological Safety Cabinets are widely used forday to day clean room activities involving high risk pathogens, etiologicalagents, nonvolatile radio nuclides and limited degree of low toxic chemicalsfor various applications in research labs of all the branches of medical,agriculture, basic and applied science.We specialize in both standard andcustomized models of Biosafety Cabinets specially designed to meet thechallenging demands of various scientists for individual and specializedresearch applications. The equipment has microprocessor based controllers withdigital display of all key parameters.
Constructions: Stainless steel or Mild steel, sheet table of ss-304 grade
Cleanliness (Class): ISO class 3
Face velocity : 90 ft/min + 20 feet
Table:Industrial grade mica clad wooden board
Pre Filter:Washable pre-filter unit
HEPA Filters
Glass pleated non-woven fabric filter having 99.99% efficiency 0.3 micron particle size.
Air Flow |
Unidirectional |
Air Flow Control
Three Step air flow speed controller
Blower Assembly
Centrifugal lubricated bearing type ISI marked assembly |
Illumination |
>800 lux
Noise level
<54 db |
Differential pressure indicating precision
Add on features
Gas/air/vacuum line cock
Power Requirements
500 watts - 750 watts (Model specific) |
Nominal voltage
220-230 Volts |
50 Hz
Microprocessor based fully programmable control and command system
High grade corrosion resistant steel construction
Long UV light module for disinfection
Long lasting ULPA filters of highest quality media.
Fault interpreter for electrical devices ï
Microscopic viewing device
Biological air sampler
Castor wheels with brake system for easy movement in the laboratory.
Precise Control of Environmental ï
Aesthetically designed
Corrosion Resistant interior and exteriors
The modular biosafety cabinet class 1 is constructed of Stainless-Steel /PCRC Powder Coated Sheet with a pharmaceutical grade finish. Tri wallconstruction surrounds the work zone with negative pressure. A microprocessorcontrols cabinet functions. monitoring of the cabinet air flow is displayed onan LCD panel and a blower hours run meter tracks operating life. Illumination -equipped with fluorescent light panel along with optimal wattage ultra violetlight that ensures high level of cleanliness before the commencement of actualworking.
Noise level - These equipments have extremely low noise level of less than54dB and also have minimum possible vibration levels.
Filter Assembly All our bio safety cabinets are fitted with fully washablesynthetic pre-filter units and secondary high efficiency perfect air filtersmade of mini pleated non-woven fabric. The efficiency of our filters have arating better than 99.99% at DOP (cold) and 99.97% at DOP (Hot). Our units havethe capacity to hold all suspended particles of size greater than 0.3 micron.
Motor and Blower Assembly: These are provided with perfectly balanced(Static as well as dynamic) motor and blower motors bearing ISI mark. Therating of the assembly is 1/5 HP. Our high efficiency pumps which have lifelonglubricated bearings ensure a trouble free operation for a long time.